Fix the Flag - Proactively Defending your software

  • Apr 29
    Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC)
    1 day
    07:00 - 15:00 UTC
    Laura Bell
    800 AUD

This workshop covers:

  • Identifying common application vulnerabilities (from a code and execution perspective) (interactive, lab-based)
  • Understanding and experiencing the realities of attacking and defending applications (interactive, lab-based)
  • Remediating these vulnerabilities in your code (interactive, lab-based)
  • Assessing and prioritizing vulnerabilities using application and architecture context
  • Using OWASP ASVS to plan strategic approaches to reducing vulnerabilities.

Attendees will be expected to be familiar with the basic concepts of application security risk and its importance in software development.

Computer setup

  • Laptop with Chrome/Firefox
  • Internet connection
Laura Bell
Application Security Specialist and CEO of SafeStack, SafeStack

Laura Bell Main is recognized as a global leader in developing secure software. As the CEO of SafeStack, a leading secure development education platform, she helps software development leaders worldwide engage their entire team in cyber security. She is the co-author of "Agile Application Security" (O’Reilly Media) and "Security for Everyone" (Holloway).

Her work has been featured in many international publications, including WIRED and MIT Tech Review. She has presented at BlackHat USA, and RenderATL, as well as leading international software development and cyber security conferences.

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